Newcomer's VC Directory (Latest Entry Added: January 12, 2024)
The key facts on Khosla Ventures, Founders Fund, Kleiner Perkins, Bessemer, Greylock, and Accel
NOTE: You can find the most up-to-date VC Directory here.
Whether you’re a founder building an artificial intelligence startup who is fielding unsolicited term sheets from thirsty venture capitalists or a founder desperately repositioning your tech startup as AI-first to drum up interest in your flailing business, it can be hard to know which investors to pay attention to.
Who is actually a general partner? How much money do venture capital firms have to invest? What are their key deals?
Venture capital firms’ reputations ebb and flow. Especially in this downturn, some of the best VC firms might not survive with their brands intact.
For startup founders who have the pleasure of being discerning, we’ve got a guide to the top firms today. Or if you’re just taking money from whatever top tier VC firm you could get excited about your round — we can at least let you know who you’re getting in bed with.
This is the first installment in our updated venture capital directory. We look at some of the most important venture capital firms and give Newcomer subscribers a snapshot of the key details — who, how much money $$$, the key deals driving past and future returns, and any scuttlebutt that we might have on them.1
This installment covers Founders Fund, Kleiner Perkins, Bessemer, Greylock, Accel, and NEA. More will follow.